Terms of sale


1.1. These general conditions of sale have as their object the purchase of products carried out remotely, by telematic means or by telephone, of the products presented on the website www.salacalzature.it, managed by
with registered office Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 2, 27029 Vigevano PV
VAT / Tax Code 02267130181

Online shop on the website: www.salacalzature.it
Telephone: (+39) 0381/21980
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

and constitute an integral and essential part of the purchase contract for any Product.

The forwarding of an Order, as described below, implies its acceptance by the Customer.
1.2. The provisions referring to "Consumers" apply exclusively to subjects who are natural persons and who place an Order for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out. SALA guarantees that Consumers will benefit from all the protections provided by law, in particular, for the conclusion of distance contracts pursuant to Title III, Section II, of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 ("Consumer Code"), as amended by Legislative Decree 21.02.14 n. 21, in implementation of Directive 2011/83 / EU, as well as all the additional protections provided, in favor of Consumers, by the Consumer Code itself and by any other applicable law. For any clarification or information regarding the content of the general conditions of sale, or for complaints and disputes, SALA's customer service is available by calling n. (+39) 0381/21980 or by sending an e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Even if the Customer does not want to use the telephone service, all the rights and powers recognized by law are still applied.
1.3. The general conditions apply to all Orders for the purchase of Products and forwarded to SALA through the website www.salacalzature.it or by contacting the number (+39) 0381/21980 from 9.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Friday.
1.4. By "Customer" we mean both the "Consumer" (natural person who places an Order for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out), and the "Professional" (natural or legal person who places an Order in exercise of one's own business, commercial, craft or professional activity).
1.5. "Order" means any proposal for the purchase of one or more Products, formulated by the Customer via internet or by telephone, while the term "Contract" indicates the agreement between SALA and the Customer who purchases one or more Products. The formulation of the Order and the conclusion of the contract will be carried out in the manner indicated below. 1.6. "Products" means the products that are indicated in the catalog accessible by clicking on the "SHOP" item on the pages of the website.
1.7. It is specified that "Business day" refers to any day of the week, with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in accordance with Italian law.
1.8. The Customer may keep a copy of these general conditions of sale, as well as all the documents that make up the Contract relating to the Products purchased on the Site, using the normal functions of their browser (eg: "File" -> "Save as ")
1.9. The Customer can archive the data of his Order, either by downloading the general conditions of sale, according to the provisions of the previous article and by saving, with the support of the functions of his browser, the data summarized in the last web page that precedes the forwarding of each Order, either by waiting for the Order Confirmation Email that SALA will send, following the placing of the Order, to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer. This confirmation e-mail will contain the data of the Order forwarded by the Customer, with the consequent possibility of printing or saving this documentation.
1.10. The data of each Order will be saved by SALA on its systems. In order to preserve the confidentiality of such information, the access to them, by the Customer, will be allowed only following prior authentication in the reserved area of ​​the Site called "My account", by entering specific credentials access by the Customer which will be attributed to him at the time of registration on the Site itself. In this reserved area, by entering their credentials, the Customer can consult the contracts already concluded, the pending orders and those just forwarded, as well as update and save their contact details, any bank details and / or data relating to the subscription to the newsletter service. The Customer undertakes to treat his credentials for access to the aforementioned reserved area of ​​the Site confidentially and not to make them available to third parties.
1.11. The data saved by SALA in its computerized registers are considered as proof of communications, orders and payments between the parties


2.1. Any Contract relating to the purchase of Products entered into will be drawn up exclusively in Italian.
2.2. Before proceeding with the forwarding of any Order, the Customer is invited to read these general conditions of sale with the utmost attention. Also, before proceeding with the purchase of the products, by sending the order form, the Customer will be asked to print a copy of it using the print command and to memorize or reproduce a copy for his personal use.
2.3. The presentation of the Products on the website constitutes a mere invitation addressed to the users of the site to formulate a purchase proposal, therefore it is not binding for SALA and, in particular, does not constitute an offer to the public pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1336 of the Italian Civil Code. Any decision regarding the acceptance of any proposals made remains in the full discretion of SALA.
2.4 Conclusion of the contract via the internet
2.4.1. To proceed with the purchase of one or more Products via the Internet, the Customer will provide SALA, in compliance with the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data, all the data necessary to allow SALA to execute the Orders placed. 2.4.2. The Customer can select one or more Products he intends to purchase by placing them in a virtual "cart", of which he can always view the content before proceeding with the placing of the Order. 2.4.3. By clicking on the "Proceed to purchase" button, the Customer will start the order forwarding procedure. In the formulation phase of the Order and until its actual forwarding, the Customer will have, however, the possibility to review the data entered by clicking on the "Back" button, so as to identify and correct any incorrect information. 2.4.4. By clicking on the "Complete the Order" button, the Customer will forward the Order to SALA.
2.5 Conclusion of the contract by telephone
2.5.1. The Customer can proceed with the forwarding of an Order by contacting the customer service at (+39) 0381/21980 from 9.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Friday, communicating to the operators all the data necessary for its completion (name, surname, address email, billing address and shipping address, if different from the billing address). The Order will be considered submitted at the end of the telephone communication.
2.5.2. Each Order forwarded according to these methods must be understood, to all effects, as a contractual proposal by the Customer. SALA will send the Order and the Conditions of sale by fax or by sending an email to the email account communicated by the Customer. The Order and these Conditions will be signed by the Customer and sent back by email. The contract will be concluded upon confirmation by SALA regarding receipt of the Order itself, by sending an email to the email account communicated by the Customer. By sending this email, SALA will also communicate to the Customer whether the Order can be accepted or not (the order confirmation).
2.5.3. SALA will have the right to accept or not the Orders received without, in the event of non-acceptance, the Customer being able to advance any rights or claims against SALA for any reason. The Order will be deemed, in any case, accepted and consequently the Contract concluded at the time when the Customer will receive, on his / her e-mail address, the Order Confirmation Email, containing confirmation of the acceptance of the Order.
2.5.4. In the exceptional case of cancellation of the order, both by the customer and in the event of non-acceptance of the same by SALA, the cancellation of the transaction and the reversal of the committed amount will be requested. The release times depend exclusively on the banking system. Once the transaction has been canceled, SALA can in no case be held liable for any direct or indirect damages caused by delay in the failure to release the amount committed by the banking system.
2.5.5. By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure, and to fully accept the general and payment conditions set out below. Any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or things, caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order.


3.1. The prices of the Products published on the homepage or in the various sections of the website are inclusive of VAT and do not include any taxes, duties and taxes applicable in the country of destination of the Products, where this is different from Italy, which will be charged to the Customer.
3.2. The prices of the products shown on the Site are subject to change at any time and without notice, it being understood that, limited to orders being accepted or already accepted by SALA, the conditions of sale in force at the time the order is sent will apply. part of the Customer, except for orders not accepted.
3.3. Transport costs are free for purchases delivered within the Italian territory and for goods collected directly from the Sala Shoe Factory.


4.1. For deliveries, SALA will make use of carriers selected by the same. The products are delivered to the address indicated by the consumer on the order form and only in the geographical areas reached by the carriers operating for SALA. SALA reserves the right to evaluate and possibly not execute Orders, which envisage delivery outside the Italian territory.
4.2. Delivery times are on average 10 working days from the date of validation of the order and are given for information only. Therefore, should this term be exceeded, it will not be possible, under any circumstances, to claim compensation or withholdings. In any case, in compliance with the law, the delivery will be made within thirty days from the date of conclusion of the contract.
4.3. Unless explicitly indicated, delivery is intended at street level.
4.4. Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the Customer is required to check: a) that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document; b) that the packaging is intact, not damaged, nor wet or otherwise altered, even in the closing materials (adhesive tape or plastic straps).
4.5. In the event of delivery of a damaged or non-compliant product, the customer has the option of refusing delivery (mandatory mention on the delivery note) and must notify SALA within 14 days. In case of missing products, the customer must strictly indicate in writing this lack on the delivery note that he must request from the delivery clerk. In the absence of a reservation on the delivery note, no claim will be taken into consideration either by the courier or by SALA.
4.6. Any damage to the packaging and / or the product or the mismatch in the number of packages or information must be immediately reported, by putting the words "ACCEPTED WITH RESERVE" on the courier's delivery receipt. Once the courier's document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objection regarding the external characteristics of what has been delivered. We therefore recommend, even when there are no problems outside the package, to always sign the courier's slip with the words "Subject to control". In fact, in the event that this wording is missing and damage to the product is found, the courier will no longer be held responsible regardless of whether or not there is insurance. Any problems concerning the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 7 days of delivery.
4.7. If the delivery has not yet been made after 10 working days from the order confirmation, the customer must inform SALA by phone or contact form. A complaint will be opened with the courier in order to know the reason for the delay.
4.8. If the recipient is absent, the delivery clerk is required to leave a notice of passage in the customer's mailbox. The customer must then contact SALA or the transport agency within and no later than 3 days to request free re-delivery.
4.9. In case of non-collection within 3 working days of the material present in storage at the courier's warehouses due to repeated impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the Customer at the time of the order, the order will be automatically canceled, the courier will proceed with the redelivery to the HALL of the neck. In this case, the customer is required to reimburse SALA for the double shipping costs (going to the customer and back to the company).
4.10. Together with the package you will also receive the receipt with the list of products contained in the package and the details of the shipping costs.
4.11. SALA will not be responsible for non-delivery or delayed delivery due to force majeure, such as - by way of example strikes, provisions of the Public Authority, rationing or shortage of energy or raw materials, transport difficulties, fires, floods, floods and damage to machinery industrial. If the cause of force majeure persists for a period exceeding 30 (thirty) days, each party will have the right to withdraw from the contract. In the event of withdrawal, the Customer will not be entitled to any indemnity or compensation for any reason, without prejudice to the right to the refund of any amount already paid as a price for the Product.
4.12. SALA will not be responsible for the extension of the delivery terms due to the fact of the carrier, especially in cases of loss of products, bad weather or strike.
4.13. In the event of an error in the shipment by SALA and an item other than the one ordered arrives, please do not open the package but contact us. We will take care to collect the product or in any case provide the information necessary to return it and send it correct, without charging additional shipping costs. Should the Customer incur expenses for the return, these will be recognized in the form of a discount voucher for subsequent purchases.


5.1. During the forwarding of the Order, different payment methods may be proposed by SALA, such as, by way of example, payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), payment via the protected "Paypal" system, payment by prepaid card (eg "Postepay") and payment by bank transfer. The Customer must indicate the payment method, among those proposed by SALA, which he intends to use.
5.2. For orders placed by telephone, the payment of the price must be made at the time of delivery of the Products, or by bank transfer in advance if provided for in the payment methods.
5.3. If the Product is marked on the Site as "available", SALA will ship said item as soon as possible or, in case of payment by bank transfer, within 5 (five) working days following the confirmation of receipt of payment. The availability shown on the site is to be considered non-binding as the quantity shown may not correspond to the actual stock in the warehouse. SALA will not be responsible for non-delivery or delayed delivery in the event that the Products ordered are not delivered by the supplier / manufacturer to SALA or, in any case, are not available due to circumstances not subject to its control.
5.4. In any case, where the Customer is a Consumer and the unavailability of the Products, does not allow to proceed with the delivery of the SALA Product within 30 (thirty) days from the forwarding of the Order by the Consumer, SALA will refund the Consumer any advance payments of the price within 30 (thirty) days from the day following that on which the Order was sent.


6.1. If the customer is a Consumer, he has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations, according to the methods and conditions illustrated below.
6.2. To exercise this right, the Consumer must send SALA a written communication to that effect, within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the Products, or from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires the physical possession of the goods. The notice of withdrawal must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by telephone, fax or e-mail provided that it is confirmed by telephone, fax, email or registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the following 48 (forty-eight) hours, at the addresses indicated below.

To this end, you can use the model withdrawal form below, but it is not mandatory.

Model withdrawal form


Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 2
27029 Vigevano PV
Telephone: (+39) 0381/21980
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I hereby notify the withdrawal from my contract of sale of the following goods: (indicate the products subject to withdrawal), ordered on (indicate the date) and received on (indicate the date).

Name of the consumer
Consumer address
Consumer signature (only if this form is notified on paper)


6.3. The right of withdrawal is however subject to the following conditions:
6.3.1. the law applies to the product purchased in its entirety; it is not possible to exercise withdrawal only on part of the purchased product;
6.3.2. the law does not apply, once opened, to packaged and sealed products that have an expiry date or a preferable consumption period;
6.3.3. the law does not apply to packaged and sealed products, once opened;
6.3.4. the purchased good must be intact and returned in the original packaging, complete in all its parts (including packaging and any documentation and accessory equipment etc ...); to limit damage to the original packaging, we recommend, when possible, to put it in a second box; in all cases, the affixing of labels or adhesive tapes directly on the original product packaging should be avoided. Once the product is packed, SALA will collect it;
6.3.5. the Consumer will be required to return the Product to SALA at the addresses indicated below within the same period of 14 days from the notice of withdrawal. The Products must be returned properly packaged in their original packaging, in perfect condition for resale (not ruined, damaged) and equipped with any accessories, instructions for use and documentation; with the transport document (present in the original packaging), in order to allow SALA to identify the Consumer (Order number, name, surname and address). The Consumer is only responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
6.4. If the returned Product does not comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph, the withdrawal will not be effective.
6.5. Upon its arrival at the warehouse, the product will be examined to assess any damage or tampering not caused by transport. If the product or the packaging and / or the original packaging are damaged or the value has been reduced due to handling of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods themselves, SALA will deduct from the refund due a percentage, in any case not exceeding 20% ​​of the same, as a contribution to the restoration costs.
6.6. If the Consumer withdraws from this contract, all payments made in favor of SALA will be reimbursed, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs arising from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of delivery. standard offer), within 14 days from the day on which SALA receives information of the decision to withdraw from this contract. These refunds will be made using the same payment method used for the initial transaction, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed otherwise.
6.7. The right of withdrawal is totally lost when the product that is returned to SALA lacks one of the conditions set out above.
6.8. In case of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, SALA will return the purchased good to the sender, charging the shipping costs to the sender.

6.10. The notice of withdrawal must be addressed to:

Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 2
27029 Vigevano PV
Telephone: (+39) 0381/21980
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Items must be returned to:
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 2
27029 Vigevano PV


7.1. The provisions of the law on warranty apply to purchases made by Consumers, including, if applicable, the rules laid down by the Consumer Code regarding guarantees towards Consumers.
7.2. The utmost attention has been paid to the accuracy of the information presented on the site. SALA or its suppliers are therefore not responsible for the consequences, accidents, special damages resulting from electronic transmissions or from the inaccuracy of the information transmitted. The names and brands of products or manufacturers are used for identification purposes only. Photos and descriptions are examples only. The image accompanying the description of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics but differ in color, size, accessory products shown in the figure. All purchase support information is intended as simple generic information material, not referable to the real characteristics of a single product.
7.3. This guarantee will apply to products that present lack of conformity and / or malfunctions that cannot be found at the time of purchase, provided that the product itself is used correctly and with due diligence, that is, in compliance with its destination and as provided in any technical documentation. , in compliance with the various operating rules indicated therein. The aforementioned guarantee will not be applicable in case of negligence, carelessness in the use, conservation and maintenance of the product, connection of what has been purchased to electrical systems or any other type of connection not in accordance with the law. The guarantee is personal and will therefore apply only to the original purchaser, being reserved for direct customers and not for traders, resellers, etc.
7.4. If defects and faults are found in the Products purchased pursuant to these general conditions of sale, the Consumer may contact, under penalty of forfeiture within two months of discovery, SALA, according to the methods indicated in these general conditions of sale and request the repair or replacement of the Product. The choice between repair or replacement will remain available to the Consumer, except in the event that the chosen remedy is objectively impossible or excessively burdensome compared to the other. Please call customer service at no. (+39) 0381/21980 for any information on repair or replacement.
7.5. SALA invites the Customer to describe in as much detail as possible the nature of the defect or defect found and possibly to send a copy of the Order documents or indicate the Order number, the Consumer number and any other data useful for the correct identification of the complaint. If no response is received from the Consumer within 5 (five) working days, SALA invites the Consumer from now on to request a response. SALA also advises to verify that the e-mails sent by it are not redirected to or blocked by any 'spam filters' or do not reach their destination correctly due to other technical problems of the recipient Customer's e-mail program.
7.6. If the requested repair or replacement is impossible or excessively burdensome, or has caused significant inconvenience to the Consumer, the latter may request an appropriate price reduction or termination of the Contract at his choice. In any case, the termination of the Contract for minor defects, with respect to which it has not been possible or is excessively burdensome, to repair or replace the relative Products will not be allowed.
7.7. The product, even if defective, in order to be replaced must, at the time of return, be complete with packaging, all accessories and any documentation received from the customer at the time of purchase. The return of the product without the original packaging, accessories and any documentation referred to above prevents the replacement of the product itself.
7.8. The costs of returning the goods to the sender remain the responsibility of the customer.
7.9. SALA assumes no responsibility for the quality, packaging and labeling of products, without prejudice to the Customer's right of withdrawal.
7.10. It is expressly understood that the warranty conditions indicated above will not apply in the event of defects found in Products purchased from Professionals, with respect to which SALA, without prejudice to the mandatory limits of the law, does not issue any warranty.
7.11. For any request, SALA invites, in any case, the Customer to contact the Customer service, which can be contacted as follows:
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 2
27029 Vigevano PV
Telephone: (+39) 0381/21980
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Items must be returned to:
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio, 2
27029 Vigevano PV


8.1. Purchase vouchers (also referred to as Coupons, Discount Coupons) can be purchased on the Site, they are offered by SALA in the context of promotional campaigns, for a limited period of validity.
8.2. Purchase vouchers are used only in reference to certain types of Products, also in accordance with what will be indicated on the Site.
8.3. The vouchers, available on the Site or presented through promotional campaigns, are valid until the term indicated and can be used only once as part of an Order procedure. The Purchase Voucher can only be used before validating the Order (before clicking on "Confirm" at the end of the order procedure). After this point, no reduction can be applied. It should be noted that the Purchase Vouchers will be used only for the purchase of some specific Products, according to what will be better indicated on the Site.
8.4. The Purchase Voucher is not refundable in cash and does not accrue interest on the credit represented by the Voucher itself. The credit represented by a Purchase Voucher is not transferable to third parties. The credits represented by each single Purchase Voucher cannot be combined with each other.
8.5. The value of the Products purchased with the Voucher must correspond at least to the amount of the Voucher itself. In the case of purchases for a total amount lower than that of the Purchase Voucher, it will not be possible to refund the Customer for any remaining credit.
8.6. If the credit represented by a Purchase Voucher is of an amount lower than the total price to be paid for an Order, the difference can be paid with the other payment methods allowed.
8.7. The Purchase Voucher will not be refunded if the Products are fully or partially returned.


9.1. SALA reserves the right to keep the data of each Order as well as the contact details of the Customer for the sole purpose of using them for the purposes of the correct execution of the Order (also through transmission to the commercial partners involved in the management of the payment, in the execution of the Order and / or in the shipment of the item), of any complaints regarding the warranty of the item and / or recommendations or instructions to the Customer regarding the item. The storage and processing of data will take place in accordance with the content of the information regarding the protection and use of personal data by SALA ("privacy policy).
9.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any use of the Customer's personal data will be subject to the provisions contained in the aforementioned privacy policy.


10.1. On the occasion of any modification to these general conditions of sale, SALA will promptly publish the modified general conditions of sale on the Site.
10.2. The modified general conditions of sale will become an integral part of the new Contracts, starting from the first Order forwarded by the Customers, following their publication on the Site. In the case of Orders already submitted before such communication, the previous version of the general conditions will apply of sale.


11.1. If a present or future provision of the general conditions of sale and / or of the contract should be or become totally or partially null and / or ineffective or there is a gap in the provisions of the general conditions of sale and / or the contract, the remaining provisions of the general conditions of sale and of the contract will remain valid and effective in any case. It is understood that SALA and the Customer will undertake to negotiate in good faith the integration of the gap or the replacement of the null and / or ineffective clause with the aim of achieving the same results pursued by the invalid or ineffective clause and to safeguard the economic substance. of the contract.


12.1. The sales contract between the customer and SALA is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal disputes arising from the conclusion of this distance sales contract, the territorial jurisdiction is exclusively that of the Court of Novara.
12.2. When the Customer is a consumer, the territorial jurisdiction is of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the Consumer, if located in the territory of the State.